Sunday, 10 January 2016

What's to look forward to in 2016?

In this article I am going to have a look at some of the games coming up over 2016, and it looks like its going to be another awesome year!

Crackdown 3 (Xbox One)

The Crackdown franchise is making its long awaited return in 2016 and from the trailers and gameplay that has been released so far, its looking all kinds of awesome. Unfortunately, after writing this, Crackdown 3 has now been pushed back to 2017.

Cuphead (ID@Xbox)

This kind of peaked my interest when it was shown off at E3 this past year. Its like a HD version of a 1920's cartoon, with all the psychedelic craziness to go with it, definitely one to keep on your radars.

Batman (TellTale Series, Platforms TBA)

Not much has been said about this other than its announcement and reveal trailer from the Game Awards. So its going to be interesting when more information is revealed about this. It is Batman though, so whats not to get excited about?

Dishonoured 2 (Xbox One, PS4, PC)

I loved the first Dishonoured, the time it was set it, the design of the game and the art work was brilliant. So I can't wait to see what's in store for the second one.

Far Cry Primal (Xbox One, PS4, PC)

A different take on the Far Cry franchise, and one I'm looking forward too. Due to where its set, weapons etc are going to be very different. There's not going to be any radio towers to take as these wouldn't have exsisted in these times, so it will be good to see how the change in time period plays out and is used.

Gears of War 4 (Xbox One)

This is going to be the first new Gears franchise on the Xbox One, and its the first since Microsoft acquired the brand. You can guarantee that there's going to be chainsaw guns and lots of blood...

Hitman (Xbox One, PS4, PC)

It has been a while since we've had a new Hitman game (Not taking into account the Hitman Go mobile games) so it will be interesting to see how this Prequel goes.

The Legend of Zelda (Wii U)

This is a game that has been a long time coming. Originally pencilled in for 2015, but then delayed to add further polish and work, this is one of the games Wii U fans have been looking forward too. Fingers crossed that this will be worth the wait.

Mass Effect Andromeda (Xbox One, PS4)

Very little is known about this game, and EA is keeping things close to its chest. If the trailer is anything to go by, this is going to be a very good looking game.

Mirror's Edge Catalyst
(PS4, Xbox One, PC)

Another game that has been a long time coming, but in 2016 we finally get to play the next chapter in the Mirror's Edge franchise.

Quantum Break (Xbox One)

This is perhaps one of the most anticipated games for Xbox One players. The trailers and gameplay that have been shown look awesome and I for one can't wait to get my hands on this game.

Ratchet and Clank (PS4)

Another franchise that is now coming to PS4, Ratchet and Clank, which is apparently a Game based on a film, based on a game trailer. Confusing, but looks fun non the less!

Uncharted 4 (PS4)

I said above that Quantum Break was Xbox One players most anticipated game, well I think that Uncharted 4 is going to be PS4 players most anticipated game for 2016. Definitely one to keep an eye out for.

The Division (Xbox One, PS4, PC)

What seems like forever is finally happening in March. After years of teasers at E3's and Gamescoms w ewill finally be able to get our hands on the Division this coming March... Unless its delayed for a billionth time....

Of course, these are only a select few of the games to look forward too and there are a lot more coming throughout the year, ones such as Lego Avengers, Plants v Zombies 2, Dark Souls 3, Mafia 3 and more that haven't been announced yet.

It looks like its going to be another positive year for gaming and I can't wait to see what else is going to be announced and brought to us, whether its changes and additions to console software or new games, and also what innovations are going to be made to games.

The future is looking very bright. :D

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