Thursday, 27 July 2017

Bulb boy - Review

Bulb boy is a horror point-and-click style adventure game. The story starts where our protagonist has found that his home has been taken over by evil and he needs to try and get his family back. Bulb boy utilises a mixture of exploration as well as puzzles to try and get your way through each of rooms/levels that are ahead of you, you will also find out that Bulb boy having a light bulb for a head is pretty useful.

The game mixes things up a little bit as you go through each room/level which does keep it fresh, however, it's not all different and you will find your self with a few repetitive things, but it doesn't get too much as the game will throw in something new for you here and there, which was nice to keep me on my toes through out my playthrough.

Each room/level throughout the house kind of has its own identity with the main goal to get to, however, you have little mini stages to do in the mean time. For example, you're in your room, trying to get out, but there is a nasty spider blocking the door, when trying to get past the spider, a pop up will show some symbols, these are linked to certain items which you can use to scare the spider away, you just have to find one of those items first by searching the room. You may find other items within the room, and if you go to use the wrong item Bulb boy will just shake his head and off you go looking again!

One little neat thing is that some of the objects can be used in weird and wonderful ways thanks to the fact that Bulb boy can detach his head, meaning that this can bring a whole new way to do things such as hide.

Controls for the game are really simple and easy to work with, the left control stick will move Bulb boy as well as the cursor to select any objects within the levels and the shoulder buttons scroll through your 'inventory' so that you can see the items that you have collected. One missing thing from the game is the use of the touchscreen, which at first may seem a bit of an oversight, however, it has been done well to balance between TV and Handheld modes and to also stop people from just clicking on things within a room to find them quicker, effort has to be made to move around and look for items instead of taking the lazy gamers way out.

The game is nicely designed with the brilliant use of light and colours, and I have a feeling that the quirkiness and originality of the game will appeal to a lot of games. Yes, OK it is like most point and click adventures, but the way this has been done, adapted and brought its own originality is what makes Bulb boy what it is, and that is a Charming little adventure, and after playing this, who couldn't love Bulb boy?

Every now and then you do get to play through some flashbacks of Grampa and Mothdog (Yup, a Moth, and Dog... I know, right?) and these parts to happier times to provide a welcome break from the story and gives a nice overview of the Bulb boy family.

For me this is the type of game that makes indie devs stand out, taking a story and something out of the norm and saying 'Screw it, let's do it'. This is what Bulbware has done, and for me, it's paid off with a gem of a game, and one I couldn't recommend enough. If you get a chance to play this, please do as I can promise that you won't be disappointed by it at all. My only issue is that it is very short, it only took me a few hours to complete and while it is a brilliant game I personally don't think that it is one that will live long in memories. If you love a bit of weirdness and want to play a short game to take your mind away, this is going to be the game for you.


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